Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Fighting Spirit

Last night Lance Berkman got thrown out of the game for arguing a strike call. He was fuming. I had never seen him so crazy with rage. Last season he got pretty mad about an ejection but this year tops them all. Then the very next inning Lee got beaned by a pitcher. He got into words with the guy and the benches cleared. No punches were thrown but Garner got thrown out of the game. Lots and lots of yelling. I was expecting Garner to throw a folding chair like last season but he just yelled alot. The Astros had lots of spunk. Tonight they have already scored 4 runs. Unfortunately so have the Rockies but I still feel like my guys will prevail. I love seeing that anger in their play. There is lots of life left in the Astros. I believe it is the start of something good.


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